O maior guia Para Carlos Eduardo Lula

A Senate special committee concluded in a report that the accusation justified an impeachment trial and recommended an impeachment trial. On 12 May 2016, the Senate began the judicial process of impeachment.

TRF-4 marca julgamento relacionado ao caso do sítio por Atibaia da noite para o POR DIA e mostra de que possui pressa para condenar Lula

Rousseff was succeeded by her former running mate, Michel Temer, whose administration has also been dogged by graft scandals.

Braide, desde este período qual era deputado estadual, todos ESTES anos tem colaborado utilizando emendas para de que este Aldenora Bello siga fazendo o seu fundamental papel no combate contra o câncer pelo Maranhão.

The professors' response was printed accompanied by a new editorial note: "Folha's treatment of the situation created by the use of the word 'ditabranda' in an editorial dated February 17, with the printing of several critical messages and our acknowledgement that the word was used frivolously, is an example of editorial fairness. The episode was supposedly closed, but Professors Comparato e Benevides are intent on extracting the maximum gain from it.

Guerrilla groups intercepted and burned three of Folha's delivery vans, two in September and one in October 1971, and made death threats against the newspaper owner.

Moro desmonta a farsa, mostra que este País segue pelo rumo traçado e dispara: “confiem pelo governo Bolsonaro”

[120] In the lawsuit, the lawyers requested that the Committee provide an opinion on the accusations that Moro violated Lula’s right to privacy, his right to not here be arbitrarily arrested and his right to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. They presented as proof of abusive practices:

The protest gathered around 300 people and check here was organized by the Movimento dos Sem Mídia, an activist group created by blogger Eduardo Guimarães. Most of the participants check here were relatives of people victimized by the Brazilian dictatorship and union activists connected to labor organization CUT.

Rousseff's administration pushed to complete a number of hydroelectric dam projects in the Amazon River Basin, despite appeals from local residents of areas that would be affected, including indigenous tribes, and pressure from both domestic and international groups. Opposition to the dam projects, especially the Belo Monte Dam project, here was driven by environmental, economic and human rights concerns, for both the people to be displaced and the workers brought in from other parts of Brazil to build the dams.

La medicina personalizada está impulsando la esperanza por vida ante los tumores incurables, explica el presidente del Congreso Mundial Acerca Cáncer do Pulmón

The aim of this study was to compare microbial counts between categories of carious dentin color, consistency and humidity, and to evaluate the correlation between these characteristics and the pr...

Mantega, a former Marxist who had written a PhD thesis (in Sociology) on the history of economic ideas in Brazil from a left-wing viewpoint, was known click here for his criticism of high interest rates, something he claimed satisfied banking interests. Mantega was also supportive of a higher level of employment by the state.

There are obviously specific signs for many words available in sign language that are more appropriate for daily usage.

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